How can you Transplant Pepper Plants In Field?
Preparation of field beds and lines:
As usually plough fields, same method use for ploughing.
2 bags of Map and 2 bags of potash give the field. Entire field should good level, make level with laser leveler. laser leveler helps you to create good smooth land. It gives us help to accuracy of water in entire field sides. In Pakistan usually plough with tractors. After this, check the humidity in land. This is first step for transplanting the plants of pepper.
Makes beds and Lines:
After ploughing make beds and lines, with too much accuracy in straightness and cleaness for beauti.
Field is ready for mucling:
After making lines and beds, we are ready for mulching. First, we should know about "Mulch".
Mulch is black plastic. It protects crop from different kind of herbs. Mulch can't sllow to cross the light through beneath, so plants could not grow under it. Light is must thing to grow the plants or any kinds of herbs. So, herbs could not grow under it and our fertilizer power will go to only plants of pepper. Through this method we will save fertilizer expenses as well as cleanfield from out of herbs.
One of usefull purpose of mulching is to decrease the labour cost, Beacause if herbs will grow, we will harvest these by labourer. so It will be increase labour expenses.
Put mulch (Black Plastic) at Beds.
Usually, In Pakistan mulch rolls from 20 to 40 kg are availabe. First we have to put a pipe in the mulch roll to open the mulch plastic. Two men from both sides of pipe can roll the plastic. After putting the plastic, put some mud at the sides of mulch to stop the folow of mulch with air.
Make holes In Mulch for transplanting the pepper.
After putting the plastics make holes. Holes distance should 1 F. The purpose of making holes is to grow pepper plants in these. There is a iron made burner, who burns the plastic and with a scale to mark the next hole location. Burner can burn the plastic with gass supply and make the holes for transplanting.
Transplanted Plants:
Pepper plants are so delicate. First thing is, We should use expert labour. Who well knows that where should plant keep in hands. If we will use a child labour or other illitrate persons for transplanting, it will be great cause destroy of plants. Usually, When we transplant nursery its height should 8 to 10 inches.Polythene Plastic for covering the plants and protect the crop from coldness:
Rolls of polythene plastic are available in Pakistan. Put the iron bars at the beds and cover it with polythene plastic to protect the crop from cold season. You can see the some mini holes in the plastic cover. It shows that the warming is increasing in air and plants have to need warm but not much. Then we make holes in plastic, to decrease the warmness. When temprature will tolerant for the crop then we will off the entire plastic from entire field.
Plant condition inside the Plastic tunnels:
We can see the field under the plastic. We can spray diffrent kind of fungisites and pesticides to control the deseases. We can also spray micronutrient or other NPKs for well growth of plants.
Please contact me on 0300-8402218 or on I want to learn from you about tunnel farming of hot Peppers